First Week of Elementary E-Learning


I thought it would be cool to keep everyone up to date on our unique scenario that many of us are going through right now with online learning. I wanted to keep it as real as it is between the great and the not so great times. Hopefully I am not alone in my feelings.

Technically I Lied

Okay, so it really wasn’t a first FULL week since we officially started on Wednesday. BUT, I am counting it because it was honestly one of the longest weeks ever.

Alright, Alright. I am being a bit dramatic, but it was a bit of a rollercoaster.

At the beginning of this week, I worked my butt off knowing that Wednesday I would be working from home and handling all my minions. My office looked like a tornado went through it with the amount of work on my desk. Let’s just say I was already stressing before stressing.

Does anyone with anxiety do that? Almost like putting anxiety in your head to prepare you for the anxiety you are going to experience in your future. No? Thats just me? Okay, Ha-Ha.

Night Before

We’ve SLOWLY been preparing for the first day of school for about a month. There wasn’t much left to do but to get info from the school, and making sure we had the correct Apps on our kiddos devices. I started to wonder if we were all going to get those “first day jitters”, and surprisingly we did!!

Randomly I was a mix of emotions during virtual, “meet the teacher.” From the regular feelings of our kids growing up, to the odd emotions of how weird this experience is.

It was just different, but to me, it was a good different. I’m honestly just super proud on how our kids managed to adjust to this “new normal.” I also felt more grateful about our whole life from our health, to how I was fortunate enough to make it work from home. We are defiantly on the lucky side, and we try our best to appreciate and give thanks daily to that.

Ring the Alarm like Beyonce

Waking up early is nothing new in our house hold, but this whole routine is. I made sure to have multiple alarms throughout our day. From the “hard to not” snooze alarms to get ready. To even putting an alarm every single time the kids had a “live class.” Which is A LOT. Just trying my best to be somewhat on top of things!

So far, our kiddos have been waking up just fine, and adjusting to our new routine. We shall see how long that start of school excitement lasts. Keeping it as positive as I can with out losing my ISH here and there.

I recommend designating a little school area for the kids. It seems to help them stay focused. Keeps me a little sane also on having all the school stuff organized in one spot.

We made it!

Overall, I would say it was a successful “first week” of school. I had moments where I would whisper to myself, “Holy ish this is a lot.” But within a second I would be filled with sweet emotion when I see my daughter singing and dancing the “weekday song” with her classmates. Or being able to see my son’s excitement when he raises his hand and gets the answer correct.

Never forget, I will always keep it real. This is hard, but definitely better than what my anxious brain thought it would be.

Even though it was just half a week. The way this blog seemed is exactly how this week felt… LONG.

There were few moments where I felt I wasn’t that “perfect” mom. But, in the end the kids loved this experience so far with me, and that is all I can ask for.

If you haven’t started the school year yet. Hopefully my experience so far will give you some confidence that you can do it! And don’t be too hard on yourself!

Okay, got to go! Matt just got back home, so I am about to pour some much deserved wine.



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