Feelings of a Working Parent

Feelings of a Working Parent

From the SUPER early mornings to the LATE nights. Life as a working parent definitely has its pros and cons, but overall

sometimes it’s just plain HARD

One day I’ll share our “routine” of our week day life! But for now I just wanted to give a shout out to those working parents that you are NOT alone. 

So some days I feel on top of my game- You know those insta post worthy days! Where you have all the clothes laid out the night before, and everyone’s lunches all packed up. We wake up ON TIME and don’t hit the snooze button. Or the times I actually brush my hair and wait for it…….

Put make up on!

I don’t know if it’s just me, but if I actually have the time to put make up on, and have all these crazy kiddos ready, I call it a win on having my “ish” together at this game of life. 

And then BAM! I get smacked in the face with reality.

At this point of my life it’s not always picture perfect and even though it’s hard to admit – I am okay with that! 

There are sooooo many things that we have to worry about. 

And we can’t let our busy work life, or a couple temper tantrums get in our way.

From when they are wanting to wear a tutu over every outfit.

Or the “no mama I do it” comments – with our deep breaths as we try our ABSOLUTE hardest on being patient about them wanting to be independent.

“But for the love of gahhhhh, we have 5 minutes to get out the door homie and I still don’t have a bra on!”

Our mornings and nights are a bit of love and chaos for sure! From the chaotic rushes of multiple drop offs to get to work on time. To the love snuggles of “see you in a bit when I pick you up.” 

Then driving off when that instant working guilt smacks you! From questioning if you are doing enough of everything. Meeting all these ridiculous working parent expectations. From the judgement of the “old school” perspectives of mom and dad “roles”, to working to provide for your family. All at the same time! 

Sheesh, it can be overwhelming and I hear ya! 

And don’t be THAT PERSON of, “well you chose this life”.  

Yes, We wanted a family and we need to work to provide for our lifestyle but we are still human and it’s okay to have our moments. 

And you see, in the end they are just moments.

The most rewarding moments

out weigh the overwhelming ones. 

I like twisting things towards a more positive perspective when I get in those tougher moments. Most definitely easier said than done, but it’s possible!

For example—

When I get those lovely,“muffins with mom” classroom invites that is scheduled at 10AM on a Wednesday – which is the same day I have a deadline at work. 

At first I’m like….”damnit!” But then I try and twist it. I know realistically I can’t afford to miss that day at work, but you best believe we will have a donut party that week at our casa.

It’s the little things in the end.

They will remember Mama and Dada ALWAYS pulling through. 

No matter what!

Through all the chaotic moments, those tiny humans that want chips for breakfast and insist on wearing their shoes on the wrong feet are the ones we work hard for. 

Those hectic early mornings and stressful work days to rush back home into those long nights. Just to do it all over again the next day. It’s worth it because we do everything for those blessings. 

Just know you are NOT the only one. 

And It’s okay to not have your “ish” together all the time.

So when I’m finally at work and having my coffee I desperately needed from dealing with a teething baby all night.

And my coworker lets me know how tired I look. 

Just take a sip of that coffee and smirk with “ yep – but everyone is safe, healthy, and happy so that’s all that matters.” 

And don’t flip them off if you are super annoyed, we can’t afford for you to get fired. 

Just go ahead and do it in your head.


Don’t sweat the small things and keep kicking butt as a working parent.




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1 Response

  1. Cristina says:

    Has anyone been freaking out about the options for our kiddos going in school or online learning?
    So much pressure!

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